11-12 June 2025
Heath Farm, Leadenham Lincs LN5 0QE

NAAC Land Drainage Hub

William Morfoot Drainage Pic

Do not miss what NAAC has in store for Cereals 2024!

*NAAC Drainage Demos - Maximise productivity, challenge climate change and get rid of your wet patches!   

Two sessions each day at 10.30am and 1.30pm in the NAAC Drainage Hub.  Topics covered in the drainage demos will include 

  • Why bother with drainage 

  • How will it help - yield benefits/improved trafficability, giving a bigger window for operations/soil structure/water holding capacity/reduce run-off and potential flooding/reduced nutrient loss and soil loss/carbon/essential for regen farming

  • What it involves and what the land owner needs to know (GPS planning/safety concerns)

  • DIY or get a contractor in 

  • Costs and how long will it take to pay back in yield and benefits 

  • Where to start to get a scheme in the ground


*Also do not miss daily seminars from NAAC on the Seed to Shelf Stage

Do the economics of using a contractor stack up?

Contractors play a vital role on many arable farms. They can supply an essential labour resource, supplementing farm staff. They can also bring in high capital cost, innovative machinery, which is becoming increasingly difficult to justify on farm, particularly for seasonal or specialist operations. 

It is crucial for contractors to work in close partnership with customers to ensure they can supply a high-quality, safe service, helping to increase productivity, whilst protecting the soil, water and surrounding biodiversity, to drive forward farm profitability whilst allowing all partners to thrive.

This seminar will help you assess if your business could benefit working with a contractor, answering the key questions you need to consider. 





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