11-12 June 2025
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Exhibitor Press Releases

15 May 2024


SENOVA LTD Stand: 1104

A groundbreaking two-row BYDV tolerant winter barley variety is among the three barley candidates being showcased by Senova at Cereals 24.

Organa is one of the first two-row feed varieties to have the two genes associated with BYDV tolerance, making it an exciting development for growers looking to reduce inputs and adopt SFI actions which reward IPM approaches and eliminating insecticides.

With positive implications for managing risk, simplifying workloads and controlling costs, the presence of the added value trait gives Organa a unique position in the two-row feed category. 

Up for recommendation later this year, Organa has a treated yield of 102 and an untreated yield of 90.

It combines this with a high specific weight of 70.0kg/hl, stiff straw and early ripening, along with good all-round disease resistance.

Ratings of 7 for mildew and brown rust, 6 for Rhynchosporium and 5 for net blotch are backed up by resistance to strain 1 of BaYMV.

As Senova’s managing director Tom Yewbrey explains, Organa has both the YD2 and YD3 genes that give BYDV tolerance, which minimise the risk of BYDV infection.

“There is some impact of BYDV in tolerant varieties but the yield loss is much less than that of susceptible varieties,” he says. “As such, Organa is a really positive development for growers who prefer two-row varieties.”

The other two winter barley candidate varieties from Senova also offer benefits over existing choices and will help growers to minimise risk.

Kitty has a yield of 106 and an unrivalled specific weight of 73.7kg/hl, as well as resistance to both strain 1 and strain 2 of Barley Yellow Mosaic Virus. As such, it is one of only two winter barley varieties on the list to have this level of virus protection.

A Valerie cross, Kitty has short, very stiff straw and good all-round disease resistance, giving it immediate appeal to those growing feed barley. Not surprisingly, there is early interest in the variety.

Nos Olena, a Bordeaux cross, is the third winter barley candidate from Senova. A yield of 105, very stiff straw, low brackling and medium maturity are backed up by strong disease resistance across the board and a good specific weight.

“All three of these winter barleys have something to offer and are challenging many of the existing varieties,” summarises Tom.

“It’s an exciting time for us as we await their recommendation.”  



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