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11-12 June 2025 

Roy Ward Farms, Heath Farm

Leadenham Lincs

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Stand: 500, 1130

Since the late 1990’s we have learned a thing or two about farming, specialising in UK soils and crops, building soil fertility efficiently to provide crop nutrition.

We go under the heading of ‘Biological Farming‘ in that we are helping farmers to improve their soils 'biologically' - (now also called 'Regenerative farming') and reduce reliance on conventional fertiliser inputs – for both arable and grassland areas.

These services include:

  • Soil and tissue sampling,
  • Detailed results analysis and recommendations
  • Nutrition plans
  • Specific tailor-made products.

As a grower you will be aware that a few key things come into play for vigorous healthy plant growth.

  • Improved soil structure
  • Efficient water utilisation
  • Good levels of nutrient availability

Soil Fertility Services are here to help you maximize your soil and crop potential - Biologically.

Soil structure, porous spaces, minerals and the beneficial aerobic Biological life, all take a battering in adverse conditions, whereas pathogenic disease-promoting conditions prosper. Reversing this detrimental environment must be the first focus for any soil recovery.

When soil is saturated (waterlogged) the top layer becomes compressed from the weight of the water, soil pores get clogged and these once structured soils slump, limiting air spaces. That lack of air space in the soil will harm crops rooting systems and eventually these can rot and die.

Heavy rain actively floods (rinses) the soil, depleting nitrate supplies as it leaches through the soil profile, as well as the supplies of Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, and Sulphur. This change in ratios directly affects soil structure, water holding capacity and soil pH, leaving the soil with a lack of oxygen and essential nutrients that are required for healthy plant development.

Beneficial soil life (bacteria and fungi) regenerate soil - FACT! But no army marches on an empty stomach; all life needs food to prosper, without it, life is very short.

That is why any application of ‘Biological life’, should always be accompanied by the correct food - microbes have requirements too you know; not just sugars, but they all need trace elements to function and perform correctly. Remember that being PROACTIVE and NOT reactive, is the key to preparation. It is now possible for growers, to help their soils cope better against the uncontrollable weather and seasonal stresses.

Why would you spend your hard earned cash on applying products to crops that actually MAY NOT be needed? "...because that's what we do and have always done" is no longer a good enough reason. If you don't measure it, you can't effectively manage it!

Feed the plant and the plant will feed the soil, feed the soil and the soil will feed the plant. 

Talk to us about how Biological farming can work for you. We've been saying it for 20 years, now others have suddenly cottoned on and are saying it too. DON'T be left behind.


Harvest House
New Road
PE33 9FH
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