Martin Lines
Martin is a third-generation farmer and contractor growing mainly arable crops on the family farm and rented land. The farm is just over 400 acres with rented land and contract farm agreements bringing the farm area up to 1334 acres.
Papley Grove Farm mainly does combinable cropping growing commodity crops of winter wheat, winter and spring barley, winter beans and oil seed rape (OSR). They always try and find a human food home for the products or, as with beans, they go to an animal feed home to replace imported feed.
Martin is a farmer and contractor in South Cambridgeshire, growing mainly arable crops on his family farm and rented land. He has a special interest in farm conservation management, currently running a SFI agreement and has Countryside Stewardship schemes on land he rents and manages. He also supports the delivery of Stewardship schemes for a number of other farmers. Martin is the NFFN Chief Executive Officer and hopes to see the network grow with like-minded farmers and land managers who will work together, sharing best practices and demonstrating what can be accomplished for nature and the environment while producing great produce.
Papley Grove Farm has been planting areas of wild bird seed mixes and creating wildflower areas and flower enhanced boundary strips, as well as leaving an area of fallow land as a food and nesting source.