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11-12 June 2025 

Roy Ward Farms, Heath Farm

Leadenham Lincs

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Rob Burtonshaw

Rob Burtonshaw

Director, Nuffield Scholar, Farm Services Ltd.

Rob Burtonshaw is a director at Farm Services Ltd, land drainage contractors based in Warwickshire. He is the third generation of his family to run the company which was founded in 1942.

In 2012 Rob was awarded a Nuffield Scholarship providing a truly unique opportunity to study land drainage across the globe, his study title was “Land drainage and its role in Farmings’ future”. During his eighteen month scholarship Rob visited some of the best drainage professionals in the world, both fellow contractors and academics, and gained an unmatched wealth of experience.

Since completing his Nuffield studies, Rob has promoted land drainage giving hundreds of talks to farming groups and others, appearing in the press and collaborating with many other organisations to promote best practise in the industry.


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