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11-12 June 2025 

Roy Ward Farms, Heath Farm

Leadenham Lincs

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MSAT Fundraiser featuring the Wurzels

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MSAT Fundraiser featuring the Wurzels

Sarah Matheson

Sarah Matheson, MSAT Founder

Multiple System Atrophy Trust (MSAT) founder, Sarah Matheson,  was diagnosed with MSA in 1993.  She grew up in a farming community, loved to travel and spend time in nature. Thoresby Estate has been owned by her family for generations.  After Sarah’s diagnosis, she was dismayed by the lack of information about MSA.  She decided that the best way forward was to create a support group.  In 1997, the Sarah Matheson Trust became a registered charity.  Sarah died in 1999.  In 2010, the charity was renamed Multiple System Atrophy Trust (MSAT) and its work continues in her memory.  In 2017, MSAT opened Sarah’s Wood at Thoresby Park, marking 20 years of support and research by the Trust.  With the help of members, MSAT began planting oak saplings in the heart of Sherwood Forest which will serve as a lasting symbol of hope for all affected by MSA. 

How can you help? 

1)  Register for Cereals 2023 as 50% goes to MSAT  

2)  Plant a tree and grow Sarah's Wood

3)  Buy raffle tickets and Tuck's Beer at the onsite fundraiser featuring the Wurzels

4)  Visit the MSAT stand to learn how to get involved

Don't miss the Wurzels playing at 2pm on 13 June 2023 in the MSAT fundraising area!

Wurzels for fundraiser

Fundraiser raffles kindly donated by

Welcom to Sarah's Wood

Entrance to Sarah's Wood, Thoresby Estate


About MSAT.  MSAT is the UK and Ireland’s only charity supporting people affected by MSA - a indiscriminate and terminal neurodegenerative disease, that affects movement and basic functions, such as breathing and bladder control.  There is no known cause or cure.  Within roughly 8 years a person will have become trapped in their body, in need of 24/7 care, doubly incontinent, and in some cases unable to communicate, swallow or move.  Intellect however, and the ability to feel pain does not diminish in any way.

MSAT provides members with MSA Health Care Specialist support services, regional online and in-person support groups, MSA education and training sessions for health and social care professionals, factsheets and information materials, a Social Welfare Specialist who can give support and financial needs, grants and care support and also funding for voice banking.  MSAT is the principal funder in the UK of innovative and ground-breaking research into Multiple System Atrophy.  To date over 2 million pounds has been spent by the Trust on research grants focused on MSA.  

Donate today!


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