11-12 June 2025
Heath Farm, Leadenham Lincs LN5 0QE

Diddly Squat Logistics



Due to the profile of host farmer, Jeremy Clarkson and Diddly Squat Farm, preparations for the 2026 event are well under way to ensure success.

In regards to traffic management, this is the utmost operational priority for this event.  The traffic plan is currently being developed in consultation with West Oxfordshire Council and Highways. Our traffic mediation plans will include a combination of measures including the below (subject to change):

  • Multiple registration areas to spread traffic across the site
  • Multiple entry routes with grassed double track runways into all event fields
  • W3W routing and comprehensive signage plans to reduce any congestion 
  • Road closures, traffic control and signage to ensure smooth traffic flow
  • Timed visitor tickets to disperse the arrival and departure of visitors - 8am, 9am, 10am, 11am entry
  • Event open hours possibly extended to accommodate the timed tickets in the morning, TBC based on exhibitor feedback
  • Ticket sales will be capped  
  • No onsite ticket sales will be available, pre-registration is required
  • Advance tickets will be limited to Cereals previous visitors and exhibitors in the Cereals database of 40000
  • Early, rate protected tickets on sale to Cereals 2025 visitors starting week 3 Feb 2025 
  • Additional tickets will not open online until late in the campaign, if at all
  • Large truck marshalling area and addition of haulier sleeping areas
  • Consideration of exhibitor only entrance/ route
  • Consideration of buses for visitors from Oxford and local train stations 

In regards to lodging, there are plentiful lodging options available in advance.  90% of Cereals visitors only attend for one day so nearby lodging will primarily house exhibitors.  Many systems do not allow booking over 17 months months in advance so they will be opening bookings for June 2026 dates in February 2025.  

If you have any more questions or would like to discuss any of the points above, the team would be more than happy to discuss them with you.

Please contact Alli McEntyre on +44 115 871 4888 or email: alli.mcentyre@comexposium.com 


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